The congress is organized based on the presentation of communications and posters, classified according to the four main modules, which will be preceded by presentations made by guest researchers of recognized prestige in each area.
Those researchers who wish to participate must send a summary (300 words maximum / 2500 characters with spaces) before 31 March 2024 to in English or Spanish by completing the template that can be downloaded here.
The Scientific Committee will review the summaries, and approval will be considered so that the work can be presented as a communication or a poster, or its presentation will be rejected. The results will be published on 31 May 2024 and can be downloaded here.
Those participants selected to present a communication or poster will be required to participate in person, and there must also be registration with the corresponding fee payment by at least one of the authors of the contribution to be accepted and published.
The selected authors, either in communication or poster mode, must send the extended summary (1,500 words and four photographs maximum) in English or Spanish before 15 September 2024 to for publication in the “Book of abstracts“ following the instructions of the template that can be downloaded here.
- The exact times of the presentations are published in the programme on the conference website.
- All authors presenting papers are encouraged to prepare a PowerPoint or pdf presentation. Remember that the duration of the presentations is limited, and the chairman may stop your presentation if you exceed your time.
- The presentation should be in standard format (4:3) and for the cover page you can use the template which can be downloaded here.
- In the room there will be a computer and projector ready to read PowerPoint and pdf presentations. The organising staff will assist you in uploading your presentation.
- Please bring your PowerPoint presentation before your session, and any associated files, on a virus-free USB key.
- If you wish, you can also email it to In this case, please include the following text in the subject line: ‘PresentationEXCISS_author’s name’ and inform the room organisation staff of this fact.
- If your presentation includes video or audio files, they must be saved separately in AVI or WMV format, so that they can be played correctly. The original video or audio file should also be uploaded for projection.
- Speakers (of short communications) have 10 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions. The session chairman will strictly control the time for speakers who exceed the time limit.
The poster exhibition of the EXCISS 2025 Congress will take place on 20 and 21 February. The organization will place a series of panels in a space near the meeting room where each author must hang the poster that he has previously designed and produced following the instructions below. The posters should be placed on the 20st during the presentation of credentials, and remain in place until the end of the sessions on the 21nd. The organization will provide the authors with the necessary materials and products for their placement on the panel. During the breaks established in the program, authors will be able to remain near their posters so that they can interact with the attendees of the event.
Poster requirements:
- The poster print size should be in A1 format (841×594 mm), and vertically oriented.
- The design should be made from the template provided. download template.pptx / download template.pdf
- The style of the title, authors and institution fields are established in the template. The rest of the paper can be organized as the author sees fit without exceeding the limits.
- Avoid including too much text in your poster and use bullets instead of long paragraphs of text. This will make it easier to follow without having to read too much.
- It is recommended that the body text be no smaller than 20p and use Arial font.
- Incorporate the images that you consider always in a coherent proportion with the space, as well as with an adequate resolution so that they do not appear pixelated.